The Transabled Glossary
Explaining Transabled
Important definitions to know before reading the explanation below:Transabled - a term describing someone who desires a specific incapability or disability (for example, amputation, paralysis, or blindness), it can also be used to describe those who internally feel as if they are or should be disabledBIID - Body Integrity Identity Disorder, a mental disorder in which someone desires a sensory or physical disability, or has discomfort regarding being able-bodied (it is important to note that transabled is a term recognisably used by a lot of those with BIID, but not all)BID - Body Integrity Dysphoria, a term for the dysphoria experienced by someone with BIID and an alternate name for the disorder itself------------------------------------------------------Transabled has been used by the BIID community in particular for a while since it’s coining in 2004 by Sean O'connor, who moved on to run the site and co-run The term was designed to be an easier alternative to ‘Body Integrity Identity Disorder sufferer’ and other synonyms for people with the same or similar experiences, it serves its purpose today as well as some members of the BIID community still use it to describe their experiences.The term has since expanded to describe some other experiences for some users, for example, some plural systems may use the term if they have a disabled headmate in a non-disabled body, and some otherkin or fictionkin individuals may also have reasons to use transabled.
Transabled Glossary
------------------------------------------------------Transpluriabled / Transmultiabled - a physically non-pluridisabled individual who desires to acquire multiple disabilities, or feels as if they are or should be pluridisabled (someone with multiple disabilities)Transill / Transnoso - someone who desires to acquire an illness/illnesses or disease/diseases (somatic or mental) that they don't physically haveDiachrohna/Transchronichana - someone who wants or feels like they should have the fictional Hanahaki, Hanakanjo, or Hanauso Disease, chronically.Disabledfluid - someone whose disability/incapacity-acquisition desires or disability/incapacity feeling/identification changes over time. It can change at random or it may vary in response to different circumstancesAerodisabled - when one's disability-desires-acquisition, disability/incapacity identification, or feeling changes based on the setting or atmosphere. This can refer to things like temperature, weather, time of day, time of year, elevation, etc------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------Crutchian - someone who uses crutches to walk even though they don't need them physically { it should be noted that if you plan on doing this, please consider how much you require the aid over someone who physically requires it, dysphoria is horrible, but mobility aids are hard to access }Transtuirot / Transrottui - someone who desires a fractured leg, or who feels as if they have or should have a fractured leg when they physically do notWheelchairqior - someone who uses a wheelchair even though they don't need one physically { it should be noted that if you plan on doing this, please consider how much you require the aid over someone who physically requires it, dysphoria is horrible, but mobility aids are hard to access }Transvitiligo - a transill identity in which someone desires to physically acquire vitiligo in order to match their internal identity to their physical body, or someone who identify/internally feels as if they have or should have vitiligoAmputesta - someone who desires to be headless, or feels as if they don't have or shouldn't have a head - { it should be noted that removing ones own head will result in death no matter what the coiner of this term states will be achieveable, right now it is not possible, do not attempt it, this is not what transabled is about }Parasoma - a physically non-paralysed individual who desires to become paralysed or acquire a paralysis of any part of their body due to dysphoric or euphoric reasons, and/or someone who has voluntarily paralyzed themselves due to dysphoric or euphoric reasonsAmpusoma - someone who desires to be amputated (on whatever parts of the body) due to dysphoric or euphoric reasons and/or someone who has been amputated due to dysphoric or euphoric reasonsSenzalice - someone who internally feels that they have no face, or wants to entirely remove their face (it should be noted that the person doesn’t want to die) due to dysphoric or euphoric reasons------------------------------------------------------
Senses + Speech
------------------------------------------------------Transdeaf - a physically non-deaf individual who desires to become deaf from one or both ears, or who feels as if they are or should be deafTransblind - a physically non-blind individual who desires to become blind from one or both eyes, or who feels as if they are or should be blindTransmuette / Transmuet - a physically non-mute individual who desires to become mute, or feels as if they are or should be mute------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------Transautistic - a non-autistic individual who desires to neurologically acquire a form of autism, or feels as if they are or should be autisticNonanimi - someone who desires to become completely deprived of any emotion
Frequently Asked Questions
What's the difference between transabled and someone with BIID or Munchausen's syndrome?Transabled was originally coined to be a shorthand way of describing someone with BIID, hence why it caught on in some parts of the community (later expanding to be used for other things too). Someone with either disorder could consider themselves transabled if they want to, transabled has just grown to be more inclusive of other experiences outside of just BIID, such as plurality and other situations where someone may desire to be or feel as if they are/should be disabled in a non-disabled bodyIs transabled appropriating the transgender label?No! It simply uses the prefix trans- meaning 'across' or similar because of a similarity the coiner (Sean O'connor) saw between gender identity dysphoria and body integrity dysphoria, giving him the idea to use the same prefix as used in transsexual and (less-so at the time) transgender. Not only this, but the prefix is used in many different contexts, not just in transgender.Isn't wishing you were disabled ableist?The vast majority of transabled people feel the way they do because of a form of dysphoria or incongruence, and it isn't controllable in the same way that any other type of dysphoria isn't controllable. Not only that, but a lot of those in the transabled community have BIID, which in itself is a mental disorder. It isn't ableist to experience uncontrollable needs, desires, and/or feelings like these.